Oct 8, 2009

Just to break the routine

I believe Love and Pain are the origin of great literature. Though i may have missed chances or never had any of the feel for former, the latter drove me to write this. This will not be a regular blog but this post is my first poem on "Who am I?". The question that many searched for and very few realized. I am still in the cocoon of this self driven society but still to give it a try... here it goes:

Who am I?

Born to be cool, raised as boredom;
Born with virtues, cultivated by social evils;
Born as a human, living like a peasant;
Born for a purpose, existing to solve what the riddle is;
Oh! The power above me, sans my qualms and arise me from the ashes.

Birth, due to a false feel of pleasure;
Life, on false hopes of satisfaction;
Death, a never wanted wish;
Judgment, an unsolved mystery;
Oh! The power above me, sans my qualms and arise me from the ashes.

- Please make me realize "Who am I?"

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