Feb 19, 2009

The day our dreams will become innovations...

We all have dreams in our life. Dreams that would make the world around us change, dreams for a good cause, dreams that could help mankind or even dreams on our own future. Some may even have nightmares...;) But the reason behind this blog is to turn out the positive dreams in us to creations. Creations which will remain throughout the life of the creator and even after him. The real purpose of this blog remains in there. Creations, Innovations or whatever we call it, it would've started with a dream and this blog serves them well. 

They say "Idle man's mind is a devil's workshop". But lez all bring out the devils in us and show em that they aren't meant to be what they are. This blog is for technocrats, IT professionals, Students, or even a normal blogger who would gaze it thro'. But the real idea behind is to bring out our extreme dreams to innovations and I hope it is not "I" that I am addressing to... but it is us. We can do it if we can dream it. Soon or late we could become pioneers and the countdown for that day has started today!

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  1. Machi, even i used to dream a lot,... I'll define dream as some unrelated stuffs, which brings out relationship between themselves,... Confusing uhhh? thats dream,..
    Ha ha,... Seems irrelavent right?............. but it would make sense,

  2. I dont feel it to be irrelevant dude! The dream you speak is the thing that one have during sleep, but the dream i am addressing is the one which make you not sleep. So thats where the true purpose of this relies...

    Thanks for that comment man!!!
